Monday, November 17, 2014

Abstract (If required):

The abstract is on page two if it is needed.

The header is without the words, running head. The text are in all caps and page number 2 is all the way on the top right margin, which means they are on the same line. This also continues throughout the remainder of the paper and should be set up using the word processor functionally of the headers and or footers.

The title page Abstract is centered 1 inch from the top of the page. 
(no bold,caps,with standard 12 pt. Times New Roman Font)

The abstract also includes 150-250 words and is block style aligned to the left. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How to: MLA Body: Structure and Content

One key point in MLA format content is that all paragraphs and main points must relate to the thesis. Also, the essay should go in logical order. Logical order means that there should be smooth transitions within and between paragraphs. Another part of content that is important is that each topic should be developed with examples and explanations. Next another thing to be careful about are quotes. Short quotes should be used in context. Quotes should be no longer than 4 typed lines and should relate directly to the main points. In addition to quotes the essay should have parenthetical notations. Finally the author must always make sure that the conclusion summarizes main points and the essay is the proper length to cover the topic.
How to: MLA format Mechanics

When finished with the essay, the author should always check that the essay has the correct MLA mechanics. Here is a check list for the mechanic to look out for:

1. correct margins
2. no sentence fragments
3. correct punctuation
4. spelling checked
5. correct capitalizations
6. no contractions
7. no vague references
8. pronoun/antecedent agreement
9. no unnecessary shifts of verb tense
10. correct subject/ verb agreement
11. correct prepositions
How to: MLA format Works Cited page

The works cited page should be titled Works Cited and should be 1" from the top.

How to: MLA Introduction

When writing any essay the first thing that the author should keep in mind is having a strong hook. The hook can make or break the essay because it determines weather the essay is a success or a train wreck. Another tip that an author should always have in a mla format essay is a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement should keep the focus on the big idea of the essay however; the thesis statement should never start off with, "In this paper you'll learn..."or "After reading this paper..." because it is dull. Finally the author should not add details or examples of the main points in their introduction.
How To: Page One Mechanics MLA Format

Page one mechanics in MLA format are very easy to achieve. To begin with, the last name of the author and the page number must be at the right hand corner. Then the title should be centered; the title should not be in caps,underlined or quoted. Finally, it should be double- spaced between the title and the first line.


Header 1

General Formatting 

                     Each page header has the title in all caps starting from left margin with the page
 number flush right 

on the same line. The heading should be matched with the one on page 1. 

The entire document is doubled spaced. 

All the margins must be 1 inch on all of the sides, top, and  bottom.

Heading levels are consistent with APA.

               The paragraphs in the body of the paper are intended to be 5-7 spaces or one tab stop.

The line spacing is between sentence is 2 spaces.

A list can either be enumerated (1,2,3, etc.) or

  • bulleted. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How to: MLA Body Documentation

Quotations and Parentheses: 

When doing body documentation you have to be very precise. Quotations marks for quotes and parentheses for documentation are a must. The correct format for the parentheses is the authors last name and the page number from where you found the information, ex: (O' Malley 209). Another must is that all in-text citations have to match the works cited page. Also, each source listed on the works cited page has to be cited atleast once within the paper. CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN ALL THE TIME, even if the information used is paraphrased or summarized. Another rule you must follow is punctuation after closed parentheses. For example, if you end a sentence with parentheses then there should always be a period at the end of the sentence. Lastly, long quotes must be indented, double spaced, and have no quotation marks.
